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book sample

This is the sample of book about mine own biography. Some stories could seemingly be not true, because of being unbelievable strange or because of too many coincidences in presence compared to some usual cases. In the matter of fact, it depends of awareness about the causes and results cascade of occurrences bounded in timeline, rather then of some special selection of single person destiny along with all another who tuck part in realization. I have to highlight at this place importance of our unique destinies, which are unfortunately to often polluted with evil influence of highly destructive subversive almighty servers of cuckoo parasitic species, who causes of illnesses on planet Earth in general, hidden behind numerous wrong traditions of magnifying bloodshed and waste.


I could just hope that you are going to believe me, that in short stories of autobiography of mine, I'm trying to transmit the true information in somehow maybe unusual way, which is, in spite of being unique just going to seem familiar to you. Furthermore, I have selected just some stories from huge pool of many adventures collected across half of century, which I found interesting to share with publicity, accordingly to the information included within, which could be of common interest.


If you are expert for mother language, you could may be disappointed about my English skills, but if you are patient reader interested about the information contained in text, you are going to understand it at the end and to enjoy within. I'm not intending to resale the cat in bag, therefore it is free of charge, and upon your will if you are going to match or not the resonant case of understanding, which is far beyond of understanding me as single unique messenger. The editing is missing because of several issues, one of them is presence of mafia arrogant team of overman kind, robbers band who claim to have right to decide about the destiny of mine, about resources allocated to me, bragging to own everything what is given to me. These idiots are still keeping me in poverty, therefore I couldn't hire some professional editor to contribute for improving for legibility.


Thanks for your interest upon work of mine.




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