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Celestial Jingling

Celestial Jingling of Alcyone Sirius and Solar System

Vladimir Mikael            

Okt 2018, Berlin

Last Modified at:

Feb 13th, 2019

The matter of fact that, the Solar and Vernal processional cycles have finished the full-wave and started the next cycle simultaneously at the Spring equinox 2018, as expected, while since 14 centuries being predicted extremely precisely in Medina at 609, has finally happened with extremely seldom astronomic event alignment of all planets of the Solar system in one line. Five visible planets could be seen aligned many folds along several years, but all 12 planets inclusively 5th destroyed and 12th not known at Spring equinox 2009. This extremely seldom event as expression of the harmony of Clockwork of the Universe, has happen at the end of full Solar processional wave and started the new cycle as always each 36,000 years long. Furthermore, along 2 years long til the Spring equinox 2011 exactly 26 full Moon cycles tuck place, which means that, the Vernal processional cycle of 26,000 years long approximately has finished and started anew as well. The matter of fact that, both Solar and Vernal processional cycles have finished the full wave and started anew at the same time, means that, there is one huge wheel, a giant cosmic wave or cycle, which has also finished and started anew, simultaneously, which includes integer folds both smaller cycles. This is galactic cycle of approximately 4.5 millions of millions (10^12) years long.


This extremely seldom event, which includes 3 giant cosmic cycles, the full waves completeness and start of the new waves waving in eternity, fit the basic knowledge about cycling of 4 ages of the worlds stages, years seasons like 4 quarters as essential parts of any cosmic cycle. Why is it so, it could be quite easy understood, if we would understand the basic sin wave process, considering that, one full cycle equals one full sin wave. It is easy to understand if we would put the light along y axes on the coordinate system, the right angle cross which matches the center of the circle, the geometry representation of any cycling process. The first half-wave describes the light hill and the second half-wave describes the valley of less light. The 1st quarter of the full wave describes the process of slope up quality from first equinoctial point, or zero cross point, toward the maximum of light. The 2nd quarter of the full wave describes the process of slope down quality, from the maximum of light toward the second equinoctial point, or zero cross point. The 3rd quarter of the full wave describes the process of slope down quality, from the second equinoctial point, or zero cross point toward the minimum of light. The 4th quarter of the full wave cycle describes the process of slope up quality, from the minimum of light, toward the equinoctial point, the zero cross point, which represents the end of the full wave and beginning of the new wave simultaneously. The cosmic cycles and respectively waves are waving in eternity. This elementary waving process represent one of essential, thus basic descriptions of the swinging motion processes of which consists the omnipresent energy field of Love, the essential description of the Universe.


The eternal swinging motion consider existence of the space time continuum, which are not possible to divide of each other. In the matter of fact, it is about the swirling and swinging of the electrical pressure within the vacuum, the energy which is resonantly fused within the existing fractal frame, enforced by the self-sustained fusion based eternal waving principle.


Out of this quite basic knowledge, essential to be understood, is logical deducted the understanding of processional cosmic processes, inclusively Vernal, Solar and galactic Milky Way cycling, essential for understanding the existential conditions on the celestial bodies, plants, moons, and unities of life communities provided on particular fractal levels of the omnipresent energy field of Love, the Universe.


The information available in public knowledge base given by experts concerning the equinoctial processional cycles, are full of detailed, which are in spite of mostly matching the realm, without awareness of the basic knowledge mentioned above, just representing the fog, the last which serves to divide the people of the awareness about the harmony. I'm intending at this place to highlight the circumstances and forces involved in building the public opinion, so called selectors of the information, and censors, for the sake to pull them back to the harmoniously swinging of the Huge Jingling Bell of the omnipresent field of Love, rather then to blame them. Finally, fighting against the Universe, with own will and full awareness about it, is not only quite insane, but also extremely ridiculous.


The Mother Sun

The Mother Sun refer to the category of stars around which another stars orbiting around. This is the case, the basic knowledge heritage upon, with the Solar system, in which, as we know, the planet Earth, the 3rd planet from the Sun is orbiting, among 12 planets in total. Since the Solar processional cycle concerning the angle of the Earth's axes, which turns one round in approximately 36,000 years long, we are concluding that, it must be harmoniously to the number of days in one year, thereby around 36,500 years long. Upon explanation given above, the detailed amounts about the precisely length of the cycling processes would be at this place quite non important, even though would be quite annoying concerning the understanding of the basic legacies, intended to be explained in this work.


Furthermore, we are concluding upon the explanation of the basic omnipresent energy field of Universe oscillations that, it must be the central star around which the Sun is orbiting, being the cause of the processional angle of the axes, once each 36,000 years long approximately. The matter of fact that, the round number of 36 millenniums long is implemented, base upon the need to divide the circle at regular parts, similarly to the convenient clock, at 12 segments, each of them 3 millenniums long. In this way we have described the Zodiac cycle implemented at the Solar cosmic cycle, the next fractal level from annual. The speculation, must not be the speculation at all, considering the measure of 2 fold 12 hours of which consists one day. The time measures are not taken occasionally as they are, since all measures are strong related to the overall harmonious swinging vortex motion.


At this place we could mention one another processional cycle, so called Vernal processional cycle, of approximately 26,000 years long, which is concerning the Venus harmoniously cycling within the clockwork of the Universe. The reason why it is very important, is concerning the matter of fact that, the Moon, the satellite and dancing partner of the planet Earth, the celestial body, which is cycling harmoniously with the Venus, stabilizing the axes of the Earth, is of essential importance for the life on Earth, avoiding the catastrophes that would be caused by skipping the axes, just like it is the case by Mars, the 4th planet distanced of the Sun, which has no satellite. This is the reason for sand storms across the planet, upon inertia of the atmosphere, base upon adhesion forces between the molecules of the atmosphere.


We can see that, one Vernal cycle is of 2 folds 13,000 years long. The double 13 represents the important relationship to the Moon cycling, since there are quite exactly 13 moons cycles matching one full annual cycle, each month of 28 days long, of which each quarter amount one week, 7 days long. Now we have mentioned all elementary constitution parts of the Lunar and Solar calendars, and watches the time measurement instruments, keeping synchronously with harmonious cosmic vibrations.


The Vernal cycle is quite essential although being beside the Solar cycle, representing additional communication channel, complementary to the Solar system communication channel, which both together harmonizing each another with the galactic cosmic cycle, with Milky Way giant wheel. This is the reason why the Moon has been made 200 millions years ago, when three smaller celestial bodies use to be crash landed on the planet, increasing the planetary mass for approximately 22 % step up, which is legible in coral riffs probes. This process of increasing of planetary mass, and gravity force, caused the huge dinosaurs species to disappear from the Earths biosphere, and slow down turning around the planet on axes.


The actual Moon is built as pumpkin, being hollow inside, suitable for life within having the gravity force at opposite side watching from Earth upon centrifugal force. The life is organized within the base settlement built similarly to a honeycomb hexagonal fractal network. Not only Earth's Moon is habituated but also the satellites of many other planets, such as Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune.


All of these mentioned above is the reasonable explanation about existence of the central star, around which the Solar system is orbiting around each 36,000 years long, so called Mother Sun. In the matter of fact, what we know about it is that, not only Solar system is turning around the central star, but rather 6 stars are orbiting around the central star, building the stellar cluster together, consisting of 7 stars.


This information is refer to the Pleiades stellar cluster, situated within the Taurus stellar constellation, of which is Alcyone the most bright middle star, distanced approximately 440 light years from the Sun. At the Nebra sky disk from 1600 BC Pleiades are also represented between Sun and Moon.

Water the Life base

As we know, the water is very basic substance for the life. Therefor, the water represents also the Elementary kingdom, among the Fire, Air and Earth Elementary kingdoms, which all together represents the Life giving, Life creating Forces, the basic for Life of the Universe. Therefore, there are numerous symbols, which describes the harmony of the Universe, such as elementary kingdom cross, representing the cycling along with 4 ages of the worlds stages principle. The kingdoms are coexisting together, bounded with the Highest binding force of the Universe the Love. One of the symbols of Eternal Life is YHVH, which couldn't be turned in opposite, such as some of falsifiers have tried to introduce among humanity, proclaiming the planetary Element of Fire in form of magma to be evil, and Heavens Fire originate of Sun, good based upon the cuckoo, evil-dove parasitic specie, they serving to, completely nonsense since everyone knows in the mean time that, the Sun is the main source of energy, information and matter for all constitutive parts of Solar system, therefor magma as well as all the other resources are also of Sun radiation source originate of.


The Holy Mother as the Element of Water, Life giving Force is related therefore to the Moon. On another hand, the central star is always the source of highest power, Love, Information, Energy, Matter, due to radiation of the sun rays. The Life conditions are based upon resonant fusion force provided on the surface of the spherical celestial bodies, turning on their own axes. Similarly, we have the basic material particle, the electron, consisting of two elementary vortexes of voltage pressure within the vacuum insulating environment, spinning in contrary toward each another, building by resonant fusion force the smallest particle provided as the carrier of static electrical charge along with cations across the surface of the planetary ground. The bio-sphere or organic sphere is refer to the surface across the planet of approximately 6 km altitude over the ocean level, and about 10 km deep under the ocean level across the planet. The electricity is essential for the Life, since the planetary surface and ionosphere are building the spherical capacitor, thus the oscillations between them of standing wave quality are carrier of Life energy, the far the conditions of vibratory jingling with self-oscillations of the planet are achieved, due to harmoniously matching the vibrations of the self-sustained omnipresent field of Love of the Universe. It describes the distribution of information, energy, matter across the Universe.


As the ocean salt water is representing the essential environmental surrounding for the sea-life, the freshwater is essential for the life on continental masses, inclusively Flora, Fauna, Human and Alliance, the celestial originate beings compatible to the life on Earth. Therefore, the Atlas columns of Life energy built after the Ice Age, along Aquarius Age from beginning of 4th until the beginning of 1st millennium BC, refer to resonantly focused beams of energy with amplified levity component, which allow the freshwater to flow upwards in opposite of the gravity power, towards the high ridge mountains and top of the hills, quelling out as the living freshwater springs, allowing for lakes and rivers network across the landscape surface in abundance and plenty of forests and fertile fields, beautiful dwelling zone and plenty of food and Life power. This is what we have to achieve again in short time in the nearest future.


Lets remember just on two examples of the Art Lands what is the real name of Atlas resonant buildings, such as Keop's pyramid, which angel between slope and basis amount 52.5 degrees, which is in turn exactly the half of 105 degrees matches exactly the angle between atoms within molecule of water. Another example is the Rtan the mountain top in Serbien, which name is derived from Artan, Art Land. The top consists of three slopes pyramid with angels of 105-150-105 degrees. Both of examples are showing the relationship between the molecule of water and the resonant buildings, which increase the levity force resonantly and pull up the tiny water streams to flow upwards and allow for freshwater springs at higher altitudes. The measures of angel are the measures of vortex, that bound the layers of the fractal field across the scale from sub-molecular until the pyramids and mountain ridges.


One another example of the same kind concerns the distance of the Alcyone, that amounts 440 light years or 4.18 * 10^15 km expressed in measure scale harmoniously to the planet Earth. The quarter product of the Alcyone distance in km 4.18 * 25 = 104.5 results in of 10 based product the water molecule measure.


Another example of Sirius the brightest star in stellar constellation of Dog, 8.58 light years distanced of the Sun. If we would concerning the Sirius to be Mother Son, the central star, the ratio similar counted as above would amount 2 millions folds. It is certain upon scientific reports that, at the Sirius planetary system is provided the water based life. It is about the anthropological researching of one people of Africa at 50's that have unique cosmogony, which includes the detailed knowledge about the measures, planets, satellites of the planetary system of the Sirius central stars-pear, before the Sirius B has been discovered.


The integer number 2 as ratio of velocities concerning the distance and period of Solar equinox, just describe the harmonious relationship of three mentioned stars, Alcyone, Sirius and Sun, showing the presence of water based life across their planets and attached satellites.


The ratio of ratios of Alcyone-Sun and Sirius-Sun amounts exactly 52.5 folds, which is, what a wonder exactly the half of the water molecular angle, between the atoms of Hydrogen, as well as the angle of the slope of the Keop's pyramid of Giza toward the base.


Speed of Moon around the Earth

v2 = 2*3.14*385*10^3km/(28*24h) = 3,600 km/h

speed of Earth-Moon around the Sun

v1 = 2*3.14*150*10^6km/(365*24h) = 107,589 km/h = 108,000 km/h

1 light year = 9.5 * 10^12 km



Sirus = 8.58 ly = 8.58 * 9.5 * 10^12 km = 8.151 * 10^13 km


101.89 * 8 = 815.1

105 * 8 = 840


The half of quarter of the distance to Sirius in harmony with Earths measures, gives the harmonious 10 base product of water molecule angel, which in turn represents the measure of the vortex across the fractal levels. It should be mentioned that the water molecule angle between Hydrogen atoms is dynamic value that depends on temperature get the range between 100 and 110 degrees approximately. However, at the 25 degrees Celsius scale the angle should amount 104-108 degrees approximately. Accordingly to the metaphysical heritage cross religious, the prayer or chant garland consists of 108 pearls, of which the half amounts 54. Some of the orders proscribed the chant garland of 52 pearls, which then result in 104 doubled. Both amounts of pearls are matching the water angle, therefor, the measure of vortex across the fractal field levels of the vibhu the omnipresent energy field of Love of the Universe resonantly fused in the fractal frame. The chant pearl is related to the Life giving forces, water based vortex, since chanting occurs in numerous successive circles. This is one of the ways highlighted how the sacred knowledge has been preserved and transmitted from generation to generation across the Ages.


If we would take 105 degrees to be the vortex measure, we would get correction of the distance toward Sirius at 3% higher, thus instead of 8.58 ly it would be 8.8374 ly or 83.955 * 10^12 km.


The distance Alcyone-Sun amounts

Alcyone = 440 ly = 440 * 9.5 * 10^12 km = 4.18 * 10^15 km


104.5 * 4 * 10^13 = 4.18 * 10^15 km

4.18 * 25 = 104.5

That means, the quarter of distance to Alcyone in harmony with Earths measures, gives the harmonious 10 base product of water molecule angle, which in turn represents the measure of the vortex across the fractal levels of the field.


The speed depends on the masses and distances of the celestial bodies in their cyclic swinging. On the other hand, the speed is refer to the propagated pathway in the time measure, as the ratio of circumference of the circle pathway and the period of time needed to close one full orbit around the center. Therefore, the speed of celestial bodies would be measurable value for estimating the harmoniously relationship to the cross fractal level water based vortex, among the others values like for instance the distance.



Feel free to skip the estimation counting at the end and read the textual information further, in the case the numeric details are not important for you, that could be the case, upon numerous estimations provided for the sake to compare the results. 



if the Sirius would be Mother Sun

Vs = 2 * Pi * 8.151 * 10^13 km / (36,000 * 365 * 24 h) = 1.624 * 10^6 km/h

with the distance correction of +3% to match the water vortex

Vs = 2 * Pi * 8.3955 * 10^13 km / (36,000 * 365 * 24 h) = 1.6727 * 10^6 km/h


Vs = 2 * Pi * 8.151 * 10^13 km / (36,500 * 365 * 24 h) = 1.6 * 10^6 km/h

with the distance correction of +3% to match the water vortex

Vs = 2 * Pi * 8.3955 * 10^13 km / (36,500 * 365 * 24 h) = 1.65 * 10^6 km/h



how the harmony with Vernal processional cycle results

T = 26,000 years

Vs = 5.143 * 10^14 km / (26,000 * 365 * 24 h) = 2.258 * 10^6 km/h

with the distance correction of +3% to match the water vortex


More better estimated result would be achieved if we would consider that, Vernal processional period amounts

T = 26,000 + 2000 / 3 = 26,154


and that average year is 365.25 days long. However, at this place we are intending to estimate the results concerning the harmoniously conditions of oscillations across the Universe, rather then to count precisely. Finally, the aim of our effort is to compare the estimated results in order to make some reasonable conclusions, rather then to speculate and spread the fog.


if the Alcyone would be Mother Sun

Va = 2 * Pi * 4.18 * 10^15 km / (36,000 * 365 * 24 h)

Va = 2.6264 * 10^16 km / (36,000 * 365 * 24 h) = 83.28 * 10^6 km/h


Va = 2.6264 * 10^16 km / (36,500 * 365 * 24 h) = 82.142 * 10^6 km/h


how the harmony with Vernal processional cycle results

T = 26,000 years

Va = 2.6264 * 10^16 km / (26,000 * 365 * 24 h) = 115.31 * 10^6 km/h


If we would suppose that, the distance to the Alcyone is not quite precisely estimated, and the result expected to be 105 instead of 115.31, then we would get that the distance Alcyone-Sun should be 8.94% less then 440 ly, thus of 400.664 ly or 2.3816 * 10^16 km.


Ratio speeds Sun-Alcyone/Earth-Sun:

T1=36000; dist.corr. –8.94% and T1; T1=26154; T1 and dist.corr. +3%

83.28 * 10^6 km/h / 107,589 km/h = 774.057 ; 704.86 ; 1,160.7 ; 1,195.52


T2=36500; dist.corr. –8.94% and T2; T1=26154; T1 and dist.corr. +3%

82.142 * 10^6 km/h / 107,589 km/h = 763.45 ; 695.2 ; 786.35 ; 716.06


7.5 * 103 = 772.5

7.5 * 104 = 780

7.5 * 105 = 787.5


10.5 * 103 = 1,085.5

10.5 * 104 = 1,092

10.5 * 105 = 1,102.5

10.5 * 106 = 1,113

10.5 * 107 = 1,123.5

10.5 * 108 = 1,134


Counting in another way check the results


ratio distances Sun-Sirius/Earth-Sun = (8.151 * 10^13) / (150 * 10^6) = 543,400

ratio distances Sun-Alcyone/Earth/Sun = (4.18 * 10^15) / (150 * 10^6) = 27,866,667


ratio of speeds of Sun-Sirius in 36,500 years cycle

Vss = (r1 * T2) / (r2 * T1) = (r1 / r2) * (T2 / T1) = 543,400 / 36,500 = 15

Vss = 543,400 / 36,000 = 15.094

for the harmony with T1 = 26,153.8 years cycle

Vss = 20.777


ratio of speeds of Sun-Alcyone in 36,500 years cycle

Vsa = 27,866,667 / 36,500 = 763.47

Vsa = 27,866,667 / 36,000 = 774

for the harmony with T1 = 26,153.8 years cycle

Vss = 1065.5


If the distance would be 3.89% less then 440 ly then it would be Vss = 1024

If the distance would be 8.94% less then 440 ly matching the cross levels of fractal field vortex measures, we would have in this particularly case considering the harmony with T1 = 26,153.8 years

Vss = 970.24


9 * 108 = 972


We could conclude, upon BASIC legacies provided across the Universe, being part of the legacies collection derived from and applicable to the omnipresent, all-pervading, self-sustained energy field of Love, fused resonantly into fractal frame, that in the case of corrected distance to Alcyone at 400.5 ly, the relationship between the harmony to the Vernal processional cycle, therefore, Moon and Mother Earth celestial and earthly Water Element, thus molecule of water harmony to the cross fractal level vortex measures results in the integer harmonic of 9.

Finally, I'd like to mention that, estimation, or discussion above is only one quote small part of the complete information, concentrate to represent the methodology of utilizing the jingling method by merging the esoteric and scientific knowledge, the far the achieving of the jingling with Harmony of the omnipresent filed is the main aim - and it is, being the emanation of the Absolute. Extension of this work provided on this sites is showing how the life is already provided at all planets across the Solar system, along with numerous Moons. The main aim of the work is to explain the importance of Planetary Alignment across the Solar system happened at Spring equinox 2009 being the subject of numerous prophecies of unknown ages as well as scientific facts. 

At ​this place I'd like to repeat one example of Harmony based upon sizes concerning the relationship of the 24 to Jupiter, since I could't find it in given sizes of the planet neither nor in relationships to another planets, but could read it in the astrology sign of the planet as the ligature of numbers 2 and 4, but I could find the number 24 related to the cycle of Earth since one turn on axes of of 24 hours long. One day of 24 hours consists of double 12 hours, such as provided on analog watches, pointed to the Venus and Moon dancing pear relationship of double 13, described above in details.


Of these reasons, I've tried to find the harmoniously relationship with 24 starting with ratio of average orbital distances of Jupiter and Earth of 5.2028629861 divided by 24 then got the reciprocal value of the result and added one to it. Then I have repeated the process again and again, and I have notify that, after exactly 108 times repeating the same process, the resulted value remains constant at 5.4244289009. This is quite hidden relationship, but quite unique, resulting in angular value of a molecule of water of 108 degrees at room temperature, describing the geometry of the crossover the scale of the energy field binding voltage vortex, pointed the conditions of water based life on Jupiter and subsystems evidently to be fulfilled. 

This would be one more example of fusing the esoteric and scientific knowledge in jingling way, in this particularly case even though related to the overall Harmony, resulted with the mathematics model as quite simple finite recursive formula, that, describes the relationship of average orbital distances of Jupiter and Earth related to the water molecule angular number of 108 over the number 24, quite obvious concerning the time measuring presented on Earth as the length of one day. 


With this work, we, thus, me and with me jingling partners, intended to reveal some well known methods, built upon the basic principles of the Huge Universe, the Golden Complete, the Golden Bell jingling in Eternity. Upon this Sacred Aim, which is in the matter of fact the aim of all mine works, regardless of kind, is intended to remember the publicity, upon well known knowledge, arouse of the fusion force of resonance, including everything. The importance of revelation of well known basic knowledge, is laing in the essence of the omnipresent field of Love of Universe, and its plenty of harmonious cycling swinging all together jingling and participating in this way within the Highest Community possible, the awareness of the Huge Self, the Huge Universe omnipresent in all imaginable and non imaginable existential facets, allover inclusively our environmental surrounding. 


This Harmoniously Jingling to achieve to swing with, would be the aim valuable to all efforts, although upon the law of resonant jingling, by Highest binding force, the Love, is providing us for necessary gain, as the support or supply by essential Life energy originated of higher fractal structures of the existence, allowed by Divine, celestial originate Life, allowing for smoothly easy Life, full of joy and successful exchange with environmental surrounding across and beyond the planetary borders.


Of these reasons, upon the change of Ages in accordance to the basic oscillating field legacies, inclusively the cycling consisting of 4 Ages of the world stages, upon the ancient sages, we are privileged to experience just recently, we are intending to participating with all our beings harmoniously to the worlds processes, in accordance to our specializations.


We could see that, merging of metaphysical and scientific view points and knowledge, takes place allover the world, always more and more and along the time. It has even though caused some fatal catastrophes, based upon missing harmoniously criteria with Huge Jingling Bell, for the sake to allow for appropriate selection among huge heritage treasury regardless of its originate. Therefore, I've decided to make and to publish a number of short works, with an aim to remember on well known methods, legacies and aims in accordance to the recent Age, since the multiple cosmical full wave cycles change tuck place, causing the beginning of the New Age, the beginning of the 1st of 4 ages of the worlds stages, which are quite easy to understand upon the matter of fact that, the Years Seasons are reflecting the same very basic therefor Highest principle, just mentioned above.


To reiterate, it is about Vernal, Solar and Galactic cycling, which have finished the full wave and have started the new wave at the Spring equinox 2009, the well known matter of fact quite long time, well known since 14 centuries long, being the most precisely predicted in advance.


This would be enough as introduction for understanding the steps of quarter of resonant measure importance, the far it is known that 1 meter is the measure jingling with planetary self-oscillating field, being derived from the physical sizes of the planet, but also related to the Moon and the others celestial bodies. Of these reasons, building the resonant devices, applications and buildings is based upon holding the sizes in steps of quarter of meter products, provide for fulfilled conditions to achieve the jingling case and gain in intensity of supply. This would explain the ancient measures of finger span, elbow, step and arm span, which would in my particular case of body size amount quarter, half, one full, and two meters, since I'm of 2 meters, or 6 feats tall. In this case our devices, applications and buildings would resonantly swinging increasing the intensity of the already provided swinging in our next environmental surrounding.


Building the devices, applications and buildings in resonance with planetary and omnipresent fractal field of Love, would increase the intensity of the energy field, and would significantly improve for the welfare within the building and in the environmental surrounding, increasing the harmonious vibrations and Life energy in doing so. Further more, the voltage vortex is the essence of the resonantly focused energy field oscillating in standing wave strings or rays, bounded together in the beams. The columns, cups, half-spheres, and pyramids, are resonantly increasing the levity component of gravity-levity standing wave energy beam, focused within. Consequently, it would make sense to keep the sizes in measure of steps of quarter, matching the water molecule angle of 108 degrees as well, such as it is explained in this work, by several more or less known examples, for the sake to allow the underground freshwater to be pulled up, flowing upwards, in order to get out springing up, as freshwater wellspring at higher altitudes, draining the slopes and valleys nearby. Of these reasons, the existing resonant landscape network across the world has to be repaired, improved on resonant capabilities and further developed worldwide, using the experiences based upon knowledge of heritage treasury, as well as these based upon the scientific researching and technology of the recent age.


In the matter of fact this would be the main reason and the aim of mine efforts and works I intend of these reasons to publish free of charge, with an aim to access the wide public, without discrimination and without to decrease the value of the Highest Sacred contents by introducing any exclusive access and selling as the product and ownership. This would represent the resistive load within the resonant circuit, decreasing and disallowing the resonant gain to appear, distributed from the Supreme Source of the omnipresent self-sustained field of Love. Introducing the violence against the Love with Universe, such as for example implementing suffering, annoying, frustration any kind, that would represent the top crime and terror against the planetary life and beyond the planetary border, against the Harmony of the Universe. It would be quite ridiculous to fight against the huge clockwork, the Universe on its own.


Finally, I'm not intend to brag upon the ownership, upon invention, or upon the privileges to work as source of food for some insane management, which rob the resources for the sake to stop me in mine intentions to allow for the conditions to be fulfilled to achieve the Harmony and increase the Life field of Love, for their own selfish sakes, to get rich and mighty at expense of the rest of world, causing the global disasters and catastrophes. The resources given to me for the sake to provide for the realization of mine intentions to be smoothly materialized, causing the global welfare and healing, increasing the freshwater capacities and spreading the forests, meadows and fertile fields worldwide, improving significantly for overall welfare. Finally, the value of the devastated land is far less then the value of the landscapes abundant with freshwater and life. There is not a single reason for delay for execution of these sacred tasks, starting at the most significantly wet nodes which had lost the jingling capabilities along the history, pulling them back into the jingling network, such as it would be the case with mountain Avala nearby Belgrade, capitol of Serbia. Turning back the jingling properties of this most important node of resonant landscapes network, would significantly increase the capacities of the freshwater resources not only in Balkan and south Europe, inclusively Italy, Spain and France, but also at Near and Far East, inclusively the territories of China and India, along with huge territories of Africa. The details about the mentioned facts are preserved in the legends of Camelot and Avalon, thus, Searching for the Holy Grail, described in more details in the work of mine Avalon, available at this site. 


Working on network improvement in opposite order, would just cause more waste, what is unfortunately obviously intention of the sick management, hidden behind the rules out of harmony. This must be recognized as the real cause of waste worldwide along with necessity to be efficiently suppressed, even though rejected out of the planet. Crime and punishment along with terrifying and implementing any kind of violence against Love or for the sake to revenge is also ridiculous therefore to be rejected out of the Solar system. 


Protecting the Global fertility should not replace the natural Making Love with artificial fertilization in spite of increased efficiency, represented the complementary fertilizing method. Finally Making Love is not only for the sake to get offspring. Making Love allows for increased vitality of both lovers along with their environmental surrounding. 

With Love

Vladimir MKL

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