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Flying Mario

Flying steam pot escaped out of oblivion and turned as Steam engine back to the future now


This painting enhances the former painting SAVE-BEETLES, which is expressing more memories and dream then realm. Recently, numerous ideas described in serial of booklets of mine are already accepted and implemented worldwide, dedicated to the energy transition, returning environmental balance, performing the global-healing due to revealing the harmony with universe, and performing huge business simultaneously, which supports the global industry and life in general.


In the matter of fact, the content of books is already well known from ancient times, but however just forgotten and suppressed in category of law relevance, since the binding frame has been replaced with another one, which is producing just waste and damaging. The concept of global-healing includes changing of basic way of thinking, since the way out of the global collapse based upon accepting holistic thinking, resonant with the Holy Whole, the Universe at all, eternal living always giving principle of love.

Reading the serial of short books, available free of charge at diverse internet locations, you could be in short time informed about the methods of reading the heritage treasuries of our ancestors, of significant importance to understand the realm of the unity of the Universal Love, Energy distribution across the universe, and Material realm, thus the Life in general. Furthermore, it would be easy to follow the deductive methodology, which results out of the universal model applicable in any energy conversion system, since everything what we could imagine is nothing else but just the energy conversing system, from a way of thinking till modeling the processes and devices.


The aim of work of mine is to unify all life oriented forces, across the universe, with aim to reveal the lost harmony on our Mother Planet Earth. In the matter of fact it is already provided, thus what remains is to remember those who have forgot the simple truth, which is also as simple as the basic information, since it represents our common heritage, present in our own genomic database, thus available any time to everybody. Using resonant response to the whole information shared in books, it would be easy to match deeper levels of your own consciousness and to enhance awareness about our realm, as well as about the way out of pretty terrible recent state of our lovely home planet.


In my work, I’m trying to express in different artistic expression forms, in communication with the universal beings, these basic, mostly invisible occasions, which are not as obvious to everybody, but are still presented allover, affecting every single living being across the world, with the aim to share the beautiful informational content about victory of unity, harmony, love, light and overall prosperity in the Age of Aries, the first eon of 9,000 years long Spring time, thus growing and spreading of love, light, lust and life allover, which has already started. It is the gently way of demystifying the information-energy-mater statically and dynamically content, always united into one complex but single unity, affecting speeding up of the awaking process, necessary to increase the number of aware contributors, which would allow for optimal transition from instable state into stable global state.


In recent painting the flying Mario, the super duper man of Uncle Mustachees kind, a famous piper with numerous adventures, a virtual hero of antiquity computer games of last millennium, has built the pipe network in form of spider net, and just for a bit has escaped to be trapped within his own network as Spiderman. He just flight away from the pipe network, happy, and secured by the Little Flamyhood, light giving divine being, which is resonant with life giving universal force. Mario must not eat any spider to become as strong as Spiderman, in spite of excellent done pipe network. The hand glows are part of his protecting cloths, rather then status symbol just like in case of Mickey Mouse and another similar virtual and non-virtual heroes and anti-heroes across the Globe and along the history.


Furthermore, the flying teepott as the symbol of global energy transition, from fuel driven, waste producing, energy converters in general, on fuelless energy converters, which are allowing for wins to be collected in needed amounts, just escaped the censorship network and taking off from the world of ideas, located in Heavens, down to the Earth to materialize and spread across the Globe, serving the global Life in doing so.


Of similar reasons, the metal bird has also escaped the censorship network taking off toward the realization, utilizing the steam-engine fuelless concept, combined with water based closed loop implosive fuel supply, getting additional power on need.


Another one of Uncle Mustachees spatial specie, who is driving the rocket in the pocket format, so called Vrimana, or Vaitmana, the flying carriage, is watching upon the process of materializing the global life securing ideas, has also escaped the censorship network, free of charge.


The honeybee is happy to get here flying license in order to can do prolong collecting the pollen powder, taking part in sexual relationship of the plants, inspiring another one of Uncle Mustachees, staying on the ground although presented allover, the knight D’Artlantian, who is protecting the Honeybees Queen of Green fertile Fields and Forests, full of invisible beings which are watching, happy playing in the shadows of the willows and laughing with echo all together.


The Blue-Gray Wolf is howling upon this situation, being also presented in all dimensions of existence at once. He is very good friend of D’Artlantian, and his gorgeous girlfriend from the dreams who is always very close to him although far away. This incomplete unity should be completed indeed, because it is the story about the materialization of some common dreams, revealing the stone-age traditions of keeping together, across the universe, serving in doing so to the overall harmony, love and abundance of life in general.


Long life the Life. E viva la vita.


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